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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am a Blog Virgin

It's true. I've never done this before and to be quite honest, I'm a bit nervous. Am I doing it right? Will it feel weird? I'm not sure.

But here we go.

I've given a lot of thought to what I want my blog to be about, and I haven't really come up with anything conclusive. But I do know that I sometimes have the desire to share something that goes beyond the limits of my Face book status. So let's try not to put any labels on this and just see where it goes, shall we?

I promise to try and be as entertaining and informative as I know how to be!

The theme that keeps running through my mind lately is gratitude. I recently had one of those "milestone" birthdays. And I discovered that it's one of those things that can remind you (if you let it) of how lucky you really are. What a great feeling it is to know that my wonderful family and friends care enough to make time to celebrate with me, or choose a thoughtful card or a ridiculously appropriate gift. They like me, they really like me! And these aren't just any people; these are some crazy beautiful fabulous and amazing people!

I know everyone is busy. Super busy. I know how much effort can go into a phone call, email, card, text or gift, let alone the gymnastics of rearranging your schedule to actually see someone. So I appreciate it. And it's a great way to start this year, this new decade.

And speaking of fresh starts, I will be getting one more this year in the form of a studio makeover! Because that was my husband’s birthday gift to me. Ridiculously appropriate. And I am grateful. For the gift and for his presence in my life.

Here are some before photos of the room where I paint. It’s pretty ugly, but we have big plans for it. Check out the new floor and wall color I'm thinking about. And stay tuned for progress pix… who doesn't love a good room makeover?

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