April is going to be a great month, I just know it! First of all, the weather is definitely going to improve soon. It just has to, doesn’t it? My mom always told me the best thing about being at the bottom is that you have nowhere to go but up! That’s definitely the case with the weather right now. Now that I’m thinking about it, I do wonder why my mom had to tell me that so often? Hmmmm….
Anywho…on to the other great things that are coming in April….
This week and next, I will be painting the new 25th anniversary logo on the wall at Ledo’s Pizza in Crofton. This is a really fun job for me because I painted the 20th anniversary logo for them 5 years ago! Although this is not my first repeat client, it does hold a special place in my heart because it was one of my first jobs when my family moved from New Jersey to Maryland. I had to re-launch my business then, and working there again this week reminds me of that time. I am looking forward to painting the 30th logo and having my children paint the 35th!
I am also registered for a ”Website Kickstart” course offered by Tara Gentile which begins on the 11th. I have been following her posts for a while and she is an amazing consulting and coaching resource for creative people. She is going to show me how to integrate my blog with my website and blow the roof off the whole thing! Look for big changes coming with my site. I guarantee it will look better, function better and be easier for you to use and “follow me” which is what I know you all want to do.

To top it all off, we have a big finish planned for the month of April – a trip to Disney! We took the kids, currently ages 4 & 7, about 18 months ago and we can hardly wait to go back. It is going to be a blast. So even if the weather doesn’t improve here in Maryland by then, I’m sure it will be great in Florida! Of course we're flying out of BWI, so this will give me another chance to visit my painting.
I plan to return fully rejuvenated and ready for May when I put the finishing touches on my new site and gear up for one hot summer!
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